Friday, March 16, 2012

top free web hosting really reliable web hosting?

Hi and i want to say welcome to anyone who became my blog visitors today, Now in this blog about
top hosting free, I want to blog about these sites that provide free hosting to its client or visitors, Is these hosting sites really reliable?

top free web hostingIf you asked me these question, I simply say that these top free web hosting is not really reliable because they could delete your site any time they want, This might be a sad news to all the free users out there but in reality nothing is free of charge.

I have been a blogger since 2008 and i could simply say that it is best if you could spend some money on web hosting rather than using top free web hosting for your business sites. In my opinion, sites such as weebly, bravehost is good if you made them linking to your business sites as these could help you rank better in search engines such has google.

I really do hope my blog post about top free web hosting really reliable web hosting? today, have benefit you or your business, Before i leave i want to say many thanks to you for becoming my readers today.

1 comment:

  1. nice information........ i hosted my sites at here they provide me free hosting service for each paid domain that we buy from them .they also provide paid hosting plans you can choose the one among them based on your needs .Their hosting support both linux and windows platform. i felt satisfied with the service provided by them.
